Sunday, 17 June 2012

Creaking knees and delays in the cleaning regime

Now 7 weeks post ACL reconstruction, I am beginning to creak about the place a bit... not sure I would not have been better staying in bed, at least from a psychological point of view. But the time had come to face the hamsters, the attic where the children roam free, and the dining room, which looks more like a car boot sale without the cars. The knee is coping, so far, going upstairs I am pretty normal looking. I come down like a belly dancer whose speciality is perpendicular hip hitches, in slow motion. My knee, in fact more my leg since the only thing I can feel in my knee is my knee cap, which feels as though it is clinging on for dear life, is not really swollen anymore, except for the lumpy bits where the scar tissue has 'tethered' itself to something. That long hard lump which I thought was a piece of metal (because that's what the physio TOLD me it was) under my knee, which I therefore resolved never to touch, let alone massage, because how disgusting is a piece of metal jutting out under your skin? (The physio actually said I was lucky since she had seen 'them' (the bolt things) that were far 'prouder'). So the hard lump/bolt/scar has had a head start and taken the time to usefully lay in defences, like a tether.
The downside of movement of course, is the dimishing excuse for cleaning the cottages. Ah well.

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